The FALSE Programming Language by Wouter van Oortmerssen Manual WHAT'S NEW in v1.3 - lots of new and exciting example source code by lots of people! (have a look in `contrib/' for some amazing code) - documentation in french too - minor fixes and enhancements to the portable interpreter (read comments in the source) - new infos, ftp/www sites etc., read the last chapter WHAT'S NEW in v1.1 - one bug fix in the 68k version - other example sources (mainly written by Eelko, in the "other" dir.) - Portable False Interpreter/Debugger! (read comments in the source) +-------------------------------+ | Introduction: | +-------------------------------+ The language FALSE and it's compiler were designed for only two reasons: - building a working compiler in just 1k (!) - designing a language that looks cryptic and fuzzy (in the APL tradition) the result is a language that is quite powerfull (for it's size). It's a Forth type language with lambda abstraction and lots of other goodies. I named the language after my favourite truthvalue. NOTE: a) the compiler as well as the generated code need kickstart v37+ b) You're strongly advised to read this entire manual before trying to operate the compiler. +-------------------------------+ | The implementation: | +-------------------------------+ To compile a FALSE program, type "false" followed by the source-code name, like: 1> false helloworld.f the compiler produces an executable called "a.out" in the same dir: 1> a.out Hello, World! 1> To squeeze the real compilation functions for all language elements in 1024 bytes, some things had to go: there are no error messages, and even worse: there are no syntax error checks. Luckily, the language is designed so that it's hard to make compile-time errors. the compiler only signals an error in the following events: - it could not allocate memory - it could not read the source file - it could not write the executable - it could not open dos.library (very unlikely) - it found a symbol in the source, which isn't part of the language. an error is signalled by returning value 10 instead of 0, it is therefore wise to have your cli-prompt display return values ("%R") note: the compiler will start acting weird as soon as you try to compile sources or produce executables >32k Working with FALSE ------------------ It is actually possible to write small utilities and stuff in FALSE, and quite powerfull too once you see how to use stacks and lambda functions etc. However, with a minimal compiler like this it's hard to find errors, and I suppose you really have to be a Forth hacker or a hardcore programmer to get the most of it. Helloworld in FALSE: -------------------- "Hello, World! " (yes, that's all...). And this is the fac() function definition in FALSE: [$1=$[\%1\]?~[$1-f;!*]?]f: (fuzzy eh? we'll explain that later...) +-------------------------------+ | FALSE: The Language. | +-------------------------------+ Format of the language: ----------------------- FALSE sources are totally free-format, i.e you may have any number of tabs/spaces/lf's between two symbols. comments start with "{", end with "}" and may not be nested. evaluation: ----------- FALSE inherits its way of evaluating expressions from Forth, so it really helps if you know that language, but for those who don't: All elements in the language are defined by what they push on and/or pop from the stack. for example, a number like "1" or "100" simply pushes it's own value on the stack. An operator like "+" takes the two top elements of the stack, adds them, and pushes back the result: 1 2 + 4 * { (1+2)*4 } the result of this expression is "12". We will use the notation (-) to signify what a function does, so "1" does (-num) and "+" does (n1,n2-result) complex expressions will keep lots of intermediate results on the stack, so mostly there's no need for local variables. FALSE doesn't even have expressions or statements; more likely a program is one stream of symbols that manipulate the stack. It's very helpfull when you can imagine what the stack looks like in a particular part of the program when programming. elementary functions: --------------------- available are: "+" "-" "*" "/" "_" these function as usual. "_" is the unary minus. "=" ">" these result in 0 (false) or -1 (true) unequal is "=~", and smaller than etc. can be made by swapping arguments and/or using "~" example: a;1_=~ { a<>-1 } "&" "|" "~" "and", "or" and "not", as usual. example: a;0>a;99>~& { (a>0) and (a<100) } values: ------- values are either integers like discussed before ("1", "100" etc.), or characters precede by a quote: 'A (equals 65) (do not mix up with backquote "`" !) note that the 1k parser only parses integers up to 320000, it uses full 32bit representation for them, however. global variables: ----------------- variables to store values are less needed in FALSE than in other languages. in FALSE they are used mostly for functions, explained below. a variable is a character "a" to "z" (just these). ":" is the assignment function, and ";" is contrary: it gets the variable's value: 1a: { a:=1 } a;1+b: { b:=a+1 } i.e: "a;" is used where in other languages you would just write "a" all variables (and also stack-items) are 32bits. lambda functions: ----------------- a FALSE lambda function is a piece of code between []. for example: [1+] is a function that adds 1 to it's argument. A function is really defined by what it takes from the stack (in this case the first arg to "+"), and what it puts back, just like builtin functions. Note that FALSE lambda functions are not restricted to just one return value. what a [] expression really does, is push the function. this means in practise that it can be given to yet another function as argument etc., just like in functional languages. The symbol "!" is called "apply", and applies a function to it's arguments, for example: 2[1+]! would result in "3" This wouldn't make much sense, since what you really want is define the function once, and then use it all-over. this is easy: [1+]i: this defines the function "i" (actually, it assigns the function to "i"), so that it can be used simply by applying "i" to it's arguments: 2i;! WARNING: as with all other elements in FALSE, but even more important with functions: the 1k compiler does not check if symbols like "!" really get a function as argument (so "1!" means trouble), the compiler may even crash if you don't balance your [ and ]. stack functions: ---------------- "$" (x-x,x) dup: duplicate topmost stackitem "%" (x-) drop: delete topmost stack item "\" (x1,x2-x2,x1) swap: swap to topmost stack-items. "@" (x,x1,x2-x1,x2,x) rot: rotate 3rd stack item to top. "ø" (n-x) pick: copy n-th item to top (0ø equals $) examples: 1$ equals 1 1 1 2% equals 1 1 2\ equals 2 1 1 2 3@ equals 2 3 1 7 8 9 2ø equals 7 8 9 7 control structure: ------------------ FALSE only has an IF and a WHILE. if is "?", and looks like this: (bool,fun-). example: a;1=["hello!"]? { if a=1 then print "hello!" } the first argument is a boolean value, the second the lambda function to be executed (see below for "") there's no "else", so you'll have to mimic this with a second "?". this can be easily done by copying the truthvalue: a;1=$["true"]?~["false"]? after the first "?" (wether it's executed or not), a copy of the truthvalue is still on the stack, and we negate it for the else part. Beware that if the first "if" needs arguments on the stack from before the boolean expression, it's top is still the truthvalue. While is a "#", and gets two lambda functions as args, one that results in a boolean, and the second as body: [a;1=][2f;!]# { while a=1 do f(2) } note that with while, if and lambda's, you can build virtually any other control structure. Input/Output: ------------- watch out: all these are BUFFERED. - strings printing: strings simply print themselves. Special: strings in FALSE may contain 's, that explains why in the helloworld program, the second " is on the next line: "Hello, World! " - integers: "." prints the topmost stack item as integer value: 123. { prints string "123" on console } - characters: "," 65, { prints "A" } - reading a character from stdin: "^" ^ { top stack is char read } - flush: "ß" when stdin and stdout are different (i.e. you started your compiled FALSE program with outfile you will hardly need to flush, however, if you both use "^" and the output operations on the same console, you may need to flush between input and output. "ß" flushes both input and output. ß[^$1_=~][,]# { while c:=getc()<>EOF do putc(c) } for example, above program copies input to output until eof, so no flushing is needed after every read when used with two files, however: "press return:"ß^%ß"continuing..." it is, since we get input on the same console as the output. +-------------------------------+ | Example programming | +-------------------------------+ How the $#%! am I going to write a decent program with all this, you may ask. Well, the first barrier one has to take into account, is that FALSE doesn't support any amiga-specific programming, some io-functions is as far as it gets. However, with those, you can create some stunningly compact utilities, for example the FALSE version of the "copy" command we saw above, in just 13 bytes! ß[^$1_=~][,]# ok, what happens: first recognise the four main parts in this program, we have a flush, then two arguments and then a while. The first [] function is supposed to deliver the boolean for the while: it reads a character, duplicates it, the compares it it with -1 (EOF). at the end of this function, we do not only have a boolean, but also an extra copy of the character we read. This immediately demonstrates a powerfull feature of FALSE: we can have any number of interim-results on the stack. the body of the while loop [,] just prints the character to stdout. Note that if the body is not executed, we leave with a non-empty stack. This is no problem at the end of a program, however, doing this within an iteration would be fatal. another example of FALSE programming: the fac() function. [$1=$[\%1\]?~[$1-f;!*]?]f: thus we call fac(6) (=720) like: 6f;! no range checking is done by the "f" function, that is what is done by the fac.f example program. Well, how does it work? (does it?) First recognise the f;! within the function implementation: that's the recursion. Let us recall what fac() looks like in a hypotheticall procedural/functional programming language: fac(n) = if n=1 then 1 else n*fac(n-1) our FALSE code goes just along these lines, only we use two "if"'s (hence the two [] blocks) insteas of one if-then-else. we start with (n-) on the stack: $1=$ duplicate the n, and compare it with 1, and leave a second truthvalue (t), thus: (n,t,t-) [\%1\]? first push the [], and after the "if" (=?) we have (n,t-). we won't be needing the lower n anymore, so we swap and drop. then we push the final result "1", and swap it below the truthvalue for the second "if". (1,t-) ~[$1-f;!*]? we first have to negate the truthvalue, because this is the else part. in the "if"-body, we have just (n-), and we add a "n-1" to that as argument for the recusive call. after f;! we have (n,r-) (r is result of the call), and we simply multiply the two together as result of the whole. this may look all awfully complicated, but infact, it isn't. it's just a very different style of programming. once you fully understand it's power, you won't want to live without it :-) if by now you haven't understood zip of how FALSE works, this probably isn't the language for you. however, if you got the slightest feeling that some things are getting clear to you, try understanding the examples, and your on your way of becoming a real FALSE programmer ! :-). however, the examples are not heavily commented, as that is considered bad-taste in FALSE (see some section below). +-------------------------------+ | FALSE wizards corner | +-------------------------------+ "Inline assembly" in FALSE: --------------------------- one topic has been kept undiscussed (on purpose), and it's the possibility to add assembly code to a FALSE program, to allow it to be extended with custom functions. syntax: ` any integer value 0..65535 folowed by a backquote. an expression like this causes the a 16bit value to be put directly into the code. A series of backquoted values may allow you a primitive form of inline assembly. for example: [8221`29184`9336`4`50510`20142`65338`50510`11008`]a: { allocmem (size-mem) } [8221`8797`9336`4`50510`20142`65326`50510`]f: { freemem (mem,size-) } are two assembly functions that allow you to allocate memory from within FALSE (see example alloc.f) register conventions: when writing assembly code for use with FALSE, use following registers: A6 = dosbase A5 = evaluation stack. use MOVE.L (A5)+,D0 to read a paramenter into D0, and MOVE.L D0,-(A5) to write one. A4 = variables. 0(A4) = a, 4(A4) = b etc. D6 = stdout D5 = stdin example code for allocmem/freemem above: alloc: move.l (a5)+,d0 moveq #0,d1 move.l 4.w,a2 exg a2,a6 ; we need to restore dosbase later. jsr -198(a6) exg a2,a6 move.l d0,-(a5) ; no rts, that's done by [] free: move.l (a5)+,d0 ; second argument first! move.l (a5)+,a1 move.l 4.w,a2 exg a2,a6 jsr -210(a6) exg a2,a6 peek/poke: ---------- ":" and ";" are operators to read and write variables, but they can be (mis-)used to do arbitrary peek and poking, even array-indexing! (see vcheck.f for an example: we read execbase) array indexing and structure reading: if p is a pointer to an array/structure, then: p;+; reads p[]. unfortunately, this way you can only read 32bit values. cli arguments: -------------- reading files is mostly done with redirection on the commandline, however, for future extensability, a pointer to the command-line arguments is passed in var a. see also "command line tips" below. stack: ------ you can use the stack as a buffer, and reverse-indexing the values on it with ø. however, the FALSE stack is the lower-half of the normal amigados stack, and thus normally only 2k. You can write programs that need arbitrarily large stack-buffers by increasing the stack size before running. command line tips: ------------------ - make sure you write an input redirection when testing some programs: if the program simply does "nothing", than the computer is not hung, but it's simply waiting for input. - if you do not write a flush (ß) at the start of a program that processes the input to the output, you will get a as first input: this is actually the commandline. example: a.out blabla out then a.out will first read "blabla" as a line, then the contents of "in". good style: ----------- programming in FALSE has a certain kind of taste: it's not easy, but when it works, it works good, and the resulting sources look great. Therefore, it may be tempting to "indent" while-loops in larger programs, but remember: - indentation, spacing and comments are for wimps :-) - real FALSE programmmers: - write dense code - write only very "global" comments. - use the stack intensively, and thus dislike to use variables for other purposes than function definitions. +---------------------------------------+ | FALSE language overview. | +---------------------------------------+ syntax: pops: pushes: example: -->top -->top --------------- --------------- --------------- ------------------------------- {comment} - - { this is a comment } [code] - function [1+] { (lambda (x) (+ x 1)) } a .. z - varadr a { use a: or a; } integer - value 1 'char - value 'A { 65 } num` - - 0` { emitword(0) } : n,varadr - 1a: { a:=1 } ; varadr varvalue a; { a } ! function - f;! { f() } + n1,n1 n1+n2 1 2+ { 1+2 } - n1,n2 n1-n2 1 2- * n1,n2 n1*n2 1 2* / n1,n2 n1/n2 1 2/ _ n -n 1_ { -1 } = n1,n1 n1=n2 1 2=~ { 1<>2 } > n1,n2 n1>n2 1 2> & n1,n2 n1 and n2 1 2& { 1 and 2 } | n1,n2 n1 or n2 1 2| ~ n not n 0~ { -1,TRUE } $ n n,n 1$ { dupl. top stack } % n - 1% { del. top stack } \ n1,n2 n2,n1 1 2\ { swap } @ n,n1,n2 n1,n2,n 1 2 3@ { rot } ø (alt-o) n v 1 2 1ø { pick } ? bool,fun - a;2=[1f;!]? { if a=2 then f(1) } # boolf,fun - 1[$100<][1+]# { while a<100 do a:=a+1 } . n - 1. { printnum(1) } "string" - - "hi!" { printstr("hi!") } , ch - 10, { putc(10) } ^ - ch ^ { getc() } ß (alt-s) - - ß { flush() } +-----------------------------------------------+ | additional infos & thank you's | +-----------------------------------------------+ FALSE was created for fun, just to see how small a compiler I could write while still compiling a relatively powerfull language. The result is even better than I thought: it's great fun to program in FALSE, and it looks even better. about the compiler source: note that throughout the program ALL variables reside in registers without saving on the stack! please: don't come and tell me you found a way to reduce the size of the executable by 4 more bytes... I think it's small enough as it is now. False has inspired other people to implement similarly perverse languages. Some of them are: * "Brainfuck" by Urban Mueller. If you enjoy compilers just because of their lenght, make sure you get a look at the this! (an executable in less than 256 bytes!) [aminet:dev/lang/brainfuck2.lha] This is helloworld: >+++++++++[<++++++++>-]<.>+++++++[<++++>-]<+.+++++++..+++.[-]>++++++++[<++++>-] <.#>+++++++++++[<+++++>-]<.>++++++++[<+++>-]<.+++.------.--------.[-]>++++++++[ <++++>-]<+.[-]++++++++++. * "Y" by Thomas Fischbacher. Very similar to False (syntax too), yet with some more powerful constructs. Comes with (portable) interpreter in C++ [aminet:dev/lang/Y.lha] * "Befunge" by Chris Pressey. Comes with interpreter and debugger in C. Code is different from False, but looks equally beautiful. [, have a look at]. factorial looks like this: v >v"Please enter a number (1-16) : "0< ,: >$*99g1-:99p#v_.25*,@ ^_&:1-99p>:1-:!|10 < ^ < * "Bloop" by Ben Schaeffer . An as yet unreleased language with features from False (and another pet language of mine, "Yax"). Ben also made a true x86 version of False (by translating the 68k code), but I lost the code (silly me). Steinar Knutsen has been so friendly to set up an FTP site so all you people can put your False related products there! for the distribution. for sources not in the distribution. Chris Pressey has a False homepage at: I want to thank the people who contributed sourcecode, among others: Ben Schaeffer, Ed Mackey, Eelko de Vos (and the rest of The TU-Delft False Fanclub, Maarten and Rene), Herb Wollman, Lionel Vintenat, Marcel van Kervinck, Peter Bengtsson, Steinar Knutsen, Thomas Fischbacher, and Tomas Partl and the many more people that have shown their interest in the language. one of them put it like this: #define FLAME ON Dear Mr. Wouter van Oortmerssen, Sir, Bwana! We (FORTH enthusiasts of Southern German Banana Republic of Bavaria) are not amused by your FALSE language. No Sir, not at all. Some of us are still jumping up and down in the coconut tree muttering obscenities like "DUP RECURSE that *@! Oortmerssen!". (Some are say even things like "'Oortmerssen EXECUTE") You have had the intention of writing an absolutely cryptic while extreme terse & powerful language. In that you've succeeded marvelously. Yet why, Great Moore! have you taken FORTH for the template? Forth is quite cryptic already, yet you must you render it completely unreadable. In Bavaria this is regarded as a grave public offense, sentenceable to not below of 3 years of pure K&R C programming. You could plead for clemency by pointing out your having introduced the lambda computational concept into FORTH, though. I will grant you that much. Donations? who would want to give something for a program that has the size of a bootblock virus? anyway, the only thing I'd like to receive is large and complex FALSE sources (of working applications, of course). Please always put a comment at the top of your source, otherwise you'll give me a hard time guessing if it's FALSE or uuencoded. don't ask me to debug your code, as understanding other peoples FALSE programs is horrible. If you want to contact me: Wouter van Oortmerssen Levendaal 87 2311 JG Leiden HOLLAND or better if you have access to Email: